

Promoting the self-management of the professional career in contexts of socio-labor change: dynamization, guidance and support networks in integrated virtual environments

Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN)/ State Research Agency (AEI) Spain /PID2020-114833RB-I00, 2021-2025.
PROJECT REFERENCE/AEI/10.13039/501100011033



This team has been conducting research focused on the career development of young people and adults, whereby it has steadily expanded and developed the Modelo CCP-Construyendo mi Carrera Profesional [CCP Model. Building my Professional Career]

Oriéntate, emprendamos [Set yourself targets, let’s get down to business]. Planning a career and managing business talent (2014-2018). Project funded by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of the Economy and Competition. National R&D&i Plan 2013-2016 (EDU2013-45704-P). (In Spanish)

Proyecto Internacional de Cooperación al Desarrollo. [International Project on Cooperation for Development]. Education and mentoring actions for empowering disadvantaged people and areas through the development of competencies for managing a business career: Transfer of a modular programme centred around gender and sustainability to the Autónoma Chapingo University in Mexico. Funded by the Office of Cooperation for Development, University of Seville and co-funded by the Autónoma Chapingo University, Mexico, 2018-2021.

Reinvéntate [Reinvent yourself]. Validation of the CCP model for improving the job market in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. 
Project funded by the regional government, la Junta, of Andalusia (Department of the Economy, Knowledge, Business, and Universities). PAIDI 2020: R&D&i Projects 2021-2023 (P20_01236). (In Spanish)

La orientación del proyecto vital y profesional en la edad adulta [Mentoring a personal and professional project in adulthood] Analysis of needs, valuation of services for the identification and use of best practices]. Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation. National R&D&i Plan, 2010 call. Reference: EDU2010-21873-C03-01 (EDUC sub-programme). Implementation: 2011-2013.

Género y desarrollo profesional [Gender and professional development] Identification and valuation of the issues involved in the pursuit of a professional career among young people and adults from a gender perspective]. Funded by Spain’s Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs though the Women’s Institute – Instituto de la Mujer, National R&D&i Plan. Order 01-09-2004, BOE 09-09-2004. Implementation: 2007-2009.